Account Types

Built to match your needs. Structured to match your goals.

Contract Size 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,000
Base Currency​ USD, EUR, GBP USD, EUR, GBP​ USD, EUR, GBP USC (cent currency)
Minimum Deposit (FTD)​ $15​ $50​ $200 $15
Min Recurring Deposit​ $15​ $15​ $15​ $15​
Min Internal Transfer​ $1 $1 $1 $1
Minimum Spread from 1.8​ from 0.9​ as low as 0​ from 1.8​


(Round turn lot​)

N/A N/A $6 N/A
Margin Call​ 50%​ 50%​ 50%​ 50%​
Stop Out​ 20% 20%​ 20%​ 20%​
Leverage​ Up to 2,000 Up to 2,000 Up to 500 Up to 1,000
Asset Classes​ Forex, Indices, Metals, Energies, Stocks CFD, Cryptos, Futures Forex, Indices, Metals, Energies, Stocks CFD, Cryptos, Futures Forex, Indices, Metals, Energies, Stocks CFD, Cryptos, Futures Forex & Metals 
Max Open Positions + Pending Order​ 200 Position​ 200 Position​ 200 Position​ 100 Position​
Max Lot Size​ 100​ 100​ 100​ 100​
Min Lot Size​ 0.01​ 0.01​ 0.01​ 0.1​
Negative Balance Protection​ Yes​ Yes​ Yes​ Yes​
*Islamic Account Yes​ Yes​ Optional Yes